Even After Death - Chapter 1048

Chapter 1048


Chapter 1048

After washing up, Olivia felt much more relaxed. Her thoughts slowly turned clear, and she had already decided something in her heart.

When she turned around and came back, she saw Ethan toiling away.

He was busy making a fish trap. Before he set out, he brought a lot of compressed biscuits and two bottles of water. He also brought some fruit along.

He was planning to go as fast as possible. He would just drink water from some mountain springs and pick some wild fruits to eat along his way.

The rain and Olivia’s sudden presence had messed up his plans. By the looks of it, it would probably rain tomorrow as well. Ethan hastily weaved a fish trap, making preparations to catch fish.

Before Olivia realized it, she was sitting on the bamboo bed he had made. Her fair legs were swaying lightly.

“Aren’t you tired?” Olivia asked.

Of course, he was tired. He hadn’t slept the whole night, and he had also toiled for the whole day. It was extremely hot near the fire too.

His forehead and body were drenched in sweat.

“I’ll be done soon. There’s a river nearby, and I saw lots of plump fish

in it. The rain has stopped, so I’ll take advantage of that and put the

trap into the water. We’ll have fish to eat tomorrow.”

With that, Ethan looked away from her legs, Carrying the fish trap, he

walked into the night.

When he came back, there were droplets of water on his head and body. He had taken a cold bath.

Olivia looked at him. Ethan looked like a merman who had just gotten out of a bath. Drops of water rolled down his well-defined abs, entering mysterious territory.

Strands of his wet hair drooped over his face. He wasn’t as stern as he used to be, and never-before-seen gentleness appeared on his face.

He was like the leader of a boy band. If he twisted his waist a little, every woman would go crazy over him.

For some reason, Olivia recalled a short video she saw some time


In the video, a few men wearing masks and caps were dancing with

their upper bodies bare. The comments section was filled with crazed

comments from women.

Ethan’s figure was different from those muscles gained from

intentional training in the gym. The scars that riddled his body also

added to the wild air about him.

Before Olivia realized it, he was already standing in front of her. His

hands were placed on both sides of her.

She was sitting, and he was standing while leaning in a little. The

shadow cast by his body loomed over her.

“What were you looking at?”

It was only then that Olivia averted her gaze. She looked like a

naughty child who had done something wrong.

If Ethan knew about her thoughts, he would open up her head and try

to fix her brain.

“It’s nothing.”

Ethan inched a little closer, enclosing her whole body within his territory.

Ethan had just taken a bath, so he was still quite wet. As the fire

burned, the moisture from his body invaded her.

Sensing her shyness, Ethan let out a low chuckle. His voice was filled

with charm.

Then, he angled his head and whispered in her ear, “I belong wholly to you, Liv. You can look at me however you like, and you can even make

use of your special privileges.”

With that, he took Olivia’s hand and placed it on top of his abs. “I remember that you were quite fond of this a long time ago.”

Olivia’s face turned red. She was indeed bolder when they had gotten married.

After all, why would her husband hide anything from her? Any woma would fall for a figure like that.

“…” Olivia tried to explain herself.

Ethan said softly, “Touch it.”

Olivia’s blush deepened. Ethan pinched her cheek lightly. “Liv, I know

that you have feelings for me. You don’t hate me, do you?”

Olivia looked away guiltily.

Ethan’s coarse finger gently touched her lips. “Tell me, do you find this disgusting?”

